podmd.pl Perl Code Documentation

The podmd.pl script parses inline documentation from - now various - code files and writes it to a given output directory, in the format of Jekyll-compatible Markdown files, i.e. including a YAML header.

Processing the input files is based on parameters provided in the podmd.yaml configuration file. Please have a look for examples there.

The functions of the script were developed for use in the Progenetix environment but now have been adapted for other purposes.

The script itself contains an inline predefined minimal processing configuration which should be overridden from a ./podmd.yaml file:

my $here_path   =   File::Basename::dirname( eval { ( caller() )[1] } );
my $conf_yaml   =   $here_path.'/podmd.yaml';
my $config      =   {
  output_dir    =>   '../pages/_doc',
  output_pre    =>   '+generated-podmd-doc',
  category      =>   'howto',
  tags          =>  [ qw(code documentation) ],
  md_starts     =>  [ '^=podmd', '\/\*podmd', '^# podmd' ],
  md_stops      =>  [ '^=cut', 'end_podmd\*\/', '^# end_podmd' ],
  packages      =>  {
    ProgenetixTemplate  =>  {
      input       =>  '.',
      extensions  =>  [ '.pl' ],
      language    =>  'Perl',
  tab_to_spaces  =>  2,

if (-f $conf_yaml) {
  $config       =   LoadFile($here_path.'/podmd.yaml') }

For the scanned files, comment lines are read in if they are between one of the md_starts and md_stops markers, which can be defined as global parameters or package specific.

Similarly, code is read in between the md_code_starts and md_code_stops markers, but is wrapped in source quote tags.

If per-line commenting is uses between the markers (Python “# “ line starts), these comment tags a re removed. However, this will also remove Markdown H1 tags - so either use HTML for those or pre-pend them with a space.

No file is created if there isn’t any content in the text buffer.

If documentation has been found, the YAML-prefixed markdown file is created in the output_dir target directory.

The YAML header contains directives and parameters for the processing of the page through the Jekyll website generation engine.

The following code shows how the header is generated through injecting some file dependent parameters into a standard Jekyll YAML header:

    my $mdFtxt  =   <<END;
title: "$scope::$cfName $package->{language} Code Documentation"
layout: default
www_link: $package->{web_project_link}
excerpt_separator: <!--more-->
date: $today
  - $config->{category}
  - $package->{language}
  - $scope

## podmd.pl Perl Code Documentation

